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April 2022
Ugo Rondinone, Subject of Solo Exhibition burn shine fly at Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista
On the occasion of the 59th La Biennale di Venezia, the celebrated Swiss contemporary artist Ugo Rondinone will present a solo exhibition titled burn shine fly at the Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista (hereafter the Scuola), opening on April 20, 2022. The exhibition title is derived from a book of poems, you got to burn to shine (1994) by the American poet and late partner of the artist, John Giorno. Curated by Javier Molins, burn shine fly will feature iconic works by Rondinone and showcase for the first time a new body of work inspired by the historic walls of the Scuola.
Having represented Switzerland at the 52nd La Biennale di Venezia in 2007, Rondinone has maintained a close relationship with the city. In 2017, he participated in GLASSTRESS, held at the Palazzo Franchetti in Venice, where he presented an installation of 12 glass figures titled an ocean away (2017).

Founded in 1261, the Scuola is known for its imposing stone gateway, designed by the 15th-century Venetian architect Pietro Lombardo. Situated within the Scuola’s magnificent frescoed rooms, Rondinone’s works will exquisitely transform the historic site into a space that invites visitors to reflect on “the marvels and mysteries of life.” The artist has further remarked: “The sculptures in burn shine fly are natural growths out of a loam of perception and feeling I had of the Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista. The work aims to coax the sublime from the subliminal.” burn shine fly, slated to run through September 17, 2022, will be accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue published by Skira.

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