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Lee Kwang-Ho

Korean, 1967


Lee Kwang-Ho

  • Born in 1967, Seoul, Korea
    Lives and works in Seoul, Korea

    Currently a professor of Western painting at Ewha Womans University, College of arts and design, Seoul, Korea


  • 1999    MFA in printmaking, Department of Fine Arts, Graduate School, Seoul National University, Korea
    1994    BFA in Painting, College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University, Korea

Selected Solo Exhibitions

  • 2021
    Lee Kwang Ho, gallery2 Joongsun Nongwon, Jeju Island, Korea
    Lee Kwang Ho, Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea 

    Lee Kwang Ho, Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea

    Lee Kwang Ho, Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea

    Picturing Landscape, Kukje Gallery, Seoul, Korea

    Caress, Gallery SoSo, Paju, Korea

    Touch, Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea

    Touch, Kukje Gallery, Seoul, Korea

    Lee Kwang-Ho, Daegu MBC Gallery M, Daegu, Korea

    Inter-View in Changdong, Changdong Art Studio, Seoul, Korea

    Paintings with Annotations, Hanjeon Plaza Gallery, Seoul, Korea

    The Spy, Gallery Indeco, Seoul, Korea

    Lee Kwang-Ho, Gallery Indeco, Seoul, Korea

    Lee Kwang-Ho, Gallery Boda, Seoul, Korea

Selected Group Exhibitions

  • 2021 
    Present of Nature, Lotte Gallery Avenuel, Seoul, Korea
    on Flora and Painting, Tongin Gallery, Seoul, Korea

    Botanica, Busan Museum of Art, Busan, Korea

    Friendship: Mentor-Mentee, Hanwon Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    Neo-naturalism, Ilwoo Space, Seoul, Korea
    The Ordinary Amount of Light and Air, Joy of Arts, Seoul, Korea
    With Companions, Sejong Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

    Beyond Representation-Encounter with the Hyperreal World, Muan Seungwoo Oh Museum of Art, Muan, Korea
    A7, Gallery Imazoo, Seoul, Korea
    Being in Nature, Museum San, Wonju, Korea
    2016 Alma Mater-2, Gana Art Center, Seoul, Korea

    Same Difference, space bm, Seoul, Korea
    Realism Interface, Seokdang Museum of Dong-A University, Busan, Korea
    Illusion and Fantasy, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
    Stranger Seen Through Inward Eye, Gallery Lux, Seoul, Korea
    Korea Tomorrow 2015, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
    Seven Signs, Park Soo Keun Museum, Yanggu, Korea
    Support SARUBIA 2015, Gallery 3, Seoul, Korea

    Royal Jelly, Gallery Royal, Seoul, Korea

    Trace of Korean Contemporary Art, Museum of Art Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
    Residing in private places, Atelier Aki, Seoul, Korea
    Manifestation, LIG Art Space, Seoul, Korea
    AMMA UMMA!, India International Centre, New Delhi, India
    Between Representation and Autonomy, Gyeongnam Art Museum, Gyeongnam, Korea
    Still Life, CSP111 ARTSPACE, Seoul, Korea
    Made in Hands, Gallery SEIN, Seoul, Korea
    Dialogue in the moonlight, Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea
    Human, For a while, Culture Factory Osan, Osan, Korea

    Korean Eye, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK
    Chae Yong Sin and Korean Portraits – Ideals and Illusions, Jeonbuk Museum of Art, Wanju, Korea
    Manner in Korean Paintings, Hite Collection, Seoul, Korea
    SHIFT, Johyun Gallery, Busan, Korea
    Im/Pulse to See, Gallery 101, Seoul, Korea

    The Seoul Art Exhibition 2011, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    Abstract it!, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Deoksugung, Seoul, Korea
    Seekers of the Future of Memories, Gana Art Center, Seoul, Korea
    Fiction & Nonfiction, Interalia, Seoul, Korea

    Instinctively, Gallery SoSo, Paju, Korea
    Defense Mechanism, TN Gallery, Beijing, China
    Biennale+ one – Why Korea Contemporary art Now, Space zoo, Gwangju, Korea
    The Lamp of the East, Atelier Aki, Seoul, Korea & Lalit Kala Akademi, Chennai, India
    Busan Biennale- Now Asian Artist, Citizen Hall, Busan, Korea
    Hyperrealism Painters, Hyundai Arts Center, Ulsan, Korea

    Prague Biennale, Prague, Czech Republic
    Non-landscape Landscape, Pocheon Art Valley, Pocheon, Korea

    Reality – Portraits, Zaha Museum, Seoul, Korea
    Beyond Definition: still-life, portrait, landscape, Interalia, Seoul, Korea
    Fifty- five Contemporary Artists, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea 
    Reality in Contemporary Art, Cyart Gallery, Seoul, Korea

    On Painting, Kukje Gallery, Seoul, Korea
    Video Killed the Painting Star, Domus Artium 2002 Salamanca, Spain
    Con-terminal, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
    A Complex, Sunggok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
    Where Euclid Walked, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    Charge Your Imagination, Gyunggi Museum of Modern Art, Ansan, Korea
    Korean Reality & Spirit, Cyart Gallery, Seoul, Korea
    Window and Light, Insa Art Center, Seoul, Korea
    Context & Figure, Daewon Gallery, Seoul, Korea

    Selected Artist Exhibition for the III edition of the Castellon County Council International Painting Prize, Castellon, Spain
    New Acquisitions, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
    Figures in Landscape, Gallery the New Gate East, Seoul, Korea
    Propose 7, Kumho Museum, Seoul, Korea
    The Truth of Six Rooms, Savina Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
    Face of Our Time, Kimhae Arts & Sports Center, Yun Seul Museum of Art, Kimhae, Korea
    Joongang Fine Art Prize, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
    Angel, Gallery Jung, Seoul, Korea

    Ryu Yong-moon, Lee Kwang-Ho, Gallery Space Sadi, Seoul, Korea
    Art & Film, Savina Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
    Scenery look at the eye, Shinsegae Gallery, Incheon, Korea
    Read a diary, Gallery Wooduck, Seoul, Korea
    Seoul Print 2005, Gallery Topohaus, Seoul, Korea

    Seam, Gallery Myart, Seoul, Korea

    The Void of Representation, Shinsegae Gallery, Incheon, Korea
    Trick, Dongduk Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
    Family, Shinsegae Gallery, Incheon, Korea

    One Thousand Eyes, One Thousand Ways, Gallery Dukwon, Seoul, Korea
    Korea Young Artists Biennale 2002, Gallery of Daegu Culture Center, Daegu, Korea
    The Mystery, Savina Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
    Songeun Art Grand Prix, Gongpyeong Art Center, Seoul, Korea
    Visual & Figure, Shinsegae Gallery, Incheon, Korea

    Young Creation - Seeing, Being Seen, Gallery of Sejong Culture Center, Seoul, Korea

    Paintings for Nurturing the Intelligence, Gallery Sabina, Seoul, Korea
    Convergence and Divergence, Shinsegye Gallery, Incheon, Korea

    Painting / Picture, Gallery Dukwon, Seoul, Korea
    The Exhibition of Rhu, Lee, Kim, Gallery Seonam, Seoul, Korea
    M.F.A. Exhibition, S.N.U. Museum, Seoul, Korea

    The Art of Painting, Gallery Dukwon, Seoul, Korea

    Inter-View, Gallery Dukwon, Seoul, Korea
    300 Spaces, Gallery Youn, Seoul, Korea
    The Political Survival of Artists, Gallery Boda, Seoul, Korea
    S.N.U. & Tokyo Nat'l Univ. Joint Print Exhibition, Tokyo National University, Tokyo, Japan

    The Language of Print Exhibition, Gallery Boda, Seoul, Korea
    D-22 / Politics outside of Politics, Gallery Boda, Seoul, Korea
    Tomorrow's Print Exhibition, Gallery Dansung, Seoul, Korea
    S.N.U. & Tokyo Nat'l Univ. Joint Print Exhibition, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

    Contemporary Korean Print Competition, Dongbang Plaza Gallery, Seoul, Korea
    S.N.U. & Tokyo Nat'l Univ. Joint Drawing Exhibition, Tokyo National University, Japan

    Convergence and Divergence, Citizen Hall, Incheon, Korea

Selected Awards

  • 2006             
    Selected Artists for the 3rd International Painting Prize of the Castellon County Council, Spain
    Award of Excellence, Joongang Fine Art Prize, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea

    International Artist Studio Program, National Changdong Art Studio, Korea

    Korean Culture and Arts Foundation fellowship, Seoul, Korea

    Award of Excellence, Contemporary Korean Print Competition, Seoul, Korea

Selected Public and Private Collections

  • National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea
    Art Bank, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
    Government Art Bank, Gwacheon, Korea
    Government Art Bank, Seoul, Korea
    Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
    Gyunggi Museum of Modern Art, Ansan, Korea
    Jeju Museum of Art, Jeju, Korea



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Lee Kwang Ho
Lee Kwang Ho

Selected Press

2020-06-00 현대문학
2016-07-00 Public Art
2016-01-00 Art in Culture
2015-05-14 아틀리에 스토리 시즌 2
2015-04-00 Milk
2015-04-00 ARTFORUM
2015-03-00 Style 조선일보
2015-02-00 미술시대
2015-01-25 미술신문
2015-01-16 THE KOREA TIMES
2015-01-01 BLOUIN ART INFO
2015-01-00 월간미술
2015-01-00 HEREN
2015-01-00 maison
2015-01-00 AVENUEL
2015-01-00 Seoul Art Guide
2014-12-17 Korea Joongang Daily
2014-12-12 파이낸셜뉴스
2014-12-00 Noblesse
2014-12-00 artnow
2014-12-00 월간미술
2014-12-00 allure
현대문학 표지   pdf 현대문학
The Touch of the Paintbrush   pdf Public Art
이광호 Lee Kwang-ho / b.1967   pdf Art in Culture
아틀리에 스토리 시즌 2 [4회: 이광호 작가]   pdf 아틀리에 스토리 시즌 2
아티스트의 여행을 엿보다   pdf Style 조선일보
네가 보는 것이 네가 보는 것이 아니다   pdf 월간미술
'날것'이 가진 생명력, 그 본질적 감동   pdf money
화가 이광호 내면의 심연으로 이끄는 겨울숲 풍경   pdf topclass
이광호전   pdf 미술시대
'날것'이 가진 생명력, 그 본질적 감동   pdf money
이광호 전   pdf 미술신문
'Picturing Landscape'   pdf THE KOREA TIMES
Lee Kwang-Ho at Kukje Gallery   pdf BLOUIN ART INFO
이광호의 숲은 무엇이 다를까?   pdf Noblesse
이광호 그림 풍경   pdf 월간미술
그림 풍경   pdf HEREN
화가의 덤불   pdf maison
감각의 풍경   pdf AVENUEL
[Exhibitions Review] 이광호   pdf Seoul Art Guide
'인상파의 고향' 노르망디 풍경   pdf YTN TV
Painter's unique landscapes bring nature to life   pdf Korea Joongang Daily
'선인장 작가' 이광호의 '뒤엉킨 숲덤블', 묘하게 에로틱하네   pdf 아주경제
“난 제주 덤불숲서 인생을 배웠다”   pdf 매일경제
[아트갤러리] 이광호 ‘무제 1302’   pdf 서울경제
[주목! 이 전시] 사진보다 더 생생하게 곶자왈 생명력 오롯이   pdf 국민일보
원시적인 숲의 생명력, 화폭에 담아내다   pdf 아시아투데이
“숲 속을 거닐며 풍경을 느끼다” 이광호 작가 ‘그림 풍경’ 展   pdf CNB 뉴스
제주 곶자왈 덤불속 생명을 품다   pdf 서울신문
덤불로 속살 감춘 곶자왈 겨울풍경, 그림으로 만나다   pdf 뉴시스
겨울숲 관능의 숨소리…눈밟는 소리 들리는듯   pdf 헤럴드경제
Lee Kwang-Ho Lee Kwang-Ho at Kukje Gallery   pdf OCULA
[이브닝 공연] 영화보다 진하게…뮤지컬 '원스' 外   pdf MBC TV
제주 곶자왈, 원시의 생명을 담다    pdf 파이낸셜뉴스
골프장과 제주 ... 풍경에 욕망을 색칠하다   pdf 한국경제
마음속 숲의 정경을 거닐다…이광호展   pdf 연합뉴스
[포토]전시장에 함께한 이현숙 국제갤러리 회장과 이광호 작가   pdf CNB 뉴스
[ART] 이광호 전   pdf Noblesse
[이광호]전   pdf artnow
[PREVIEW] 이광호   pdf 월간미술
눈 오는 날을 위한 전시   pdf ASIANA
이광호 개인전   pdf allure
사적 공간에 거주하기   pdf HEREN